Category Archives: Promotion


I will be serving as one of three game heads for MARCON 50. We will be at the Hyatt convention center in Columbus, Ohio. When I’m not running games, I will be participating in panels and working game operations. If you’re into science fiction, fantasy, write either of those things or you want to come game with us, pick up a badge!

Columbus in Darkness will host a Live Action Role Play (LARP). We have an Amptguard team on staff who will be training us how to fight. (And you know I’ll be in the middle of that as long as Branden will have me.) We have tabletop games, we’ll have computer and system gaming and board games available all weekend.

The panels this year are really interesting. There are several writing oriented panels as well as gaming and general science fiction geekery. I had to severely limit myself on how many panels I wanted to participate in. There are panels I want to attend because I know absolutely nothing about the subject and I want to know more. And that’s not even talking about the presentations.

We have been hard at work putting together prize packs for the various tournaments. I don’t want to let too much slip, but there have been rumors of a super awesome giveaway by the Amptguard group and I also heard rumors of super awesome dice bags. Not to mention what I’m making and giving away. You all know I’m a massage therapist, right? I’ll just sit here and nod knowingly at you while you figure that one out.

We have an entire area specifically for children’s gaming and I will be running Faery’s Tale. Parents and children can play together in this tabletop RPG and I’m SUPER STOKED to play with you guys. Seriously stoked. I even made little prizes for the kids who play. And the parents. Because I would TOTALLY want one of these things. It doesn’t make a lot of noise and it’s pretty. And some of them are sparkly.

Plus there will be NASA things there. I can’t tell you what, but it’s super awesome!

The convention runs May 8th, 9th and 10th. I want to meet people!

Cover reveal! Silent Shadows Come

I received a very exciting email yesterday. The cover art is finally finished for Silent Shadows Come, the anthology I’ve been long awaiting the release. I wanted to share the cover with everyone. It should be released by the end of February for purchase from Circlet Press.


Author Allies Autumn Mixer 2014


WHEW! Am I ever LATE to this PARTY!

Hello, I’m C.V. Madison! I’m a science fiction, urban fantasy, horror and steampunk author. Most all of my stories are romance. And my characters are a wide variety of sexualities, although two of my releases feature M/M leads. I’ve recently released With Proper Maintenance, a M/M steampunk novella from Jupiter Gardens Press and sometime before the end of the year, I have a M/F ninja story coming out in an anthology from Circlet Press.

By day I am a licensed massage therapist and I like to think I’m pretty good at what I do. I’ve been at my current job for three and a half years. I worked for a Massage Envy for two and a half years prior to that. When I’ve been asked how I got into massage, the answer is always the same: I heard an ad on the radio for my school and thought “I can do that”. I walked in my first day of classes and we did hands-on that very first day. It hit me then. “Yup. This is what I’m meant to do with my life.” All in all, I’ve been a massage therapist for six years and it’s one of those jobs you don’t really see as a job. I go to work and I enjoy what I do. It’s a blessing.

I have a LOT of hobbies.

  • I collect resin ball jointed dolls. I have two dolls currently and a long wish list of dolls I’d like to some day own. I write about ball jointed dolls for the Caffeine Crew on Wednesdays (which I will be posting a new article for them shortly!)
  • I cosplay. I’ve been a cosplayer for several years now. I’ve done mostly video game characters from Final Fantasy, but I have a Fat Princess costume planned for Ohayocon this year.
  • I’m a gamer. I’m planning on running World of Darkness campaigns for the Columbus D20 girls at various conventions. I’m going to drop my schedule up on the webpage as soon as I have confirmation. I know for a fact I’ll be doing Marcon in 2015. I also play World of Warcraft on Steamwheedle Cartel. And I have a thing for Atlus games, specifically Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. I have yet to get into Persona.
  • I crochet. Last Christmas I made blankets for my nieces and nephews. I also make shrugs and sweaters for my ball joint dolls.
  • I have a thing for coffee. I worked at an independent coffee house for three years. During that time, I was educated about coffee, tea and Burts Bees products. It’s become a passion in my life as big as massage therapy and writing.

I have participated in National Novel Writer’s Month for the last eight years. I am one of the Municipal Liaisons for Columbus, Ohio. Each November a bunch of us crazy writers get together and write 50,000 words in 30 days. Most of the time we meet at libraries and coffee houses or Panera bread.

I do book reviews for the Yeah Books! blog and Masquerade Crew as well as hosting book tours with Ally Nation and Goddess Fish Promotions. The best place to interact with me is on Twitter. I’m on there all the time.

I don’t know what else to say about myself.

Leave me a comment! Comments are moderated, but I get to them as soon as I’m notified. I’d love to chat with you all!

New Release: With Proper Maintenance

My latest release, With Proper Maintenance, a M/M steampunk romance novella, releases today! I am hosting a blog tour and a giveaway to celebrate! More stops are being added all week, so check in to see where we’ll be next!

Tour Stops:

October 10th- Lorraine Pearl, paranormal romance author

October 11th- Yeah Books!

October 12th- Kathryn Kane, romance author

October 13th- Sonya Grady

October 14th- Caffeine Crew

October 15th- H.C. Brown

October 16th- Jerri Drennen

October 17th- J.J. Ulm

If you buy a copy of my book from the Jupiter Gardens Press website and use the promo code GAYSTEAM, you get Angelia Sparrow’s Sky Rat for $0.99! Good on JGP’s site only through 10/31.

Enter the giveaway here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

With Proper Maintenance-highres

Named the youngest head engineer in the history of his company, Ethan Cole’s first voyage on the Platinum Bow is his chance to stand out from his father’s shadow. His dream is dashed by the roguish Cecil Goode, promoted to Ethan’s position just before the ship sets sail. When the Bow is hijacked by pirates, Ethan and Cecil have to work together to bring the pirates’ nearly wrecked ship to safety. Will they make it to port before the ship plummets from the sky? And what will become of the combustible passion between them? Will it outlast the pirate attack?

Pick up your copy:

[Jupiter Gardens Press]  [Amazon]  [Barnes and Noble]



Time flies when you’re having fun! My Steampunk novella With Proper Maintenance releases on the 9th. Since I signed my contract, I’ve planned a giveaway of handmade steampunk jewelry. It’s only fitting I break the news on my blog and show you what the prizes look like.

Each of these necklaces were constructed by yours truly. Each pendant includes a section of my story With Proper Maintenance as a backdrop behind the gears. Each one is secured with clear resin. These will be given away via rafflecopter beginning with my facebook release party on 10/10/14. I will also be on a blog tour beginning the same date, so watch for posts from me!


First prize


Second prize


Third Prize

Spring Fling Blog Hop Meanderings


Welcome to the Spring Fling Blog Hop! Over fifty authors and bloggers have joined together to bring you some amazing posts, great giveaways and lots of fun! Don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter (details at the bottom) to win a Kindle tablet, gift cards, paperbacks and swag and be sure to check out the other blogs taking part.

Blog Hop Meanderings

Spring has finally sprung and, as usual, I have trouble sitting down and focusing on, well, anything. We made a huge feast tonight and I only made half the food I intended on making. I always overcook for holiday meals. There are four of us and I cook for fifteen.


We cut fresh fruit and veggies, made deviled eggs from coloured eggs, I made a from scratch cherry pie and chocolate chip cookies. There was a great baked cauliflower dish made with bread crumbs, toasted almonds and Parmesan cheese. I made a quick succotash and, of course, ham. The staple dish my son insists on is scalloped corn. He ate half the pan himself. Lucky for him, the recipe is incredibly easy.

Scalloped Corn

  • 2 can whole kernel corn, drained
  • 2 can cream style corn
  • 2 sleeves Ritz crackers, crushed
  • two eggs

Dump corn into baking dish. Add both eggs. Once ingredients are well mixed, add cracker crumbs. The mixture should be relatively thick. Put in the oven at 350 for 20-30 minutes until the top is golden brown.

I am still digesting dinner, of course. We will have plenty of leftovers to eat again tomorrow as well. Leftovers either go really quickly in this house or they sit in the fridge and develop penicillin. I swear I could save an entire village with what I cleaned out of the fridge today. Blech.

Since we’re off work tomorrow, we’ll be starting our garden. We’ve already planted garlic and have plans for tomatoes and fresh lettuce and spinach. I’ll have another post with the garden for everyone later. Since we’re in the city and only have a small patio, we do a lot of vertical gardening. This will be our second year using the vertical garden. Last year we had fresh salad every week. It was delicious.

Having four days off for Easter, I have intentions of writing something while I chew on that vegetable bowl no one touched. Look at that thing. It’s calling my name even now. Unfortunately I’m stuffed.

I’ve been working on a young adult (that will be published under a pen name) and I have designs on getting more framework down. The main character has been picking at my brain. It’s almost like my characters have been refreshed with the better weather. Having the windows open with the breeze and the sun flowing through, I have the impetus to write, but I also have the burning urge to take my dog for a walk or go outside and sit on the patio.

Tomorrow I am going to take my laptop outside and write on the patio.

The YA follows Magdalen, a young woman attacked by a strange kind of dog while hitchhiking across the country. She winds up at a halfway house while she mends and settles in with a small group of kids. Just as she starts to settle in, one of her new friends ends up being sucked into a demon realm. She has to get him out. But how?

So far I’ve set the stage and made some edits. Tomorrow it’s full speed ahead!

Then again, I’ll probably just fall into my new time waster and play League of Angels. I’ve spent far too much time on that game this year. If anyone plays, I’m on Night Sentinel S17 and my guild is Devil May Cry.

Here’s to spring, new games, new books, meandering stories and lots of fun giveaways. I’d wanted to make this post something poignant, but, in the spirit of spring, I’m just going to let the post wander and sniff the daisies.

If you are still here, there are over 50 blogs participating in the spring fling blog hop. Click below and check out the other posts. From the small sampling I’ve seen, everyone did a great job coming up with engaging posts.



And, as stated above, please enter the rafflecopter giveaway and see if you win some fun swag. If you do, let me know! I’m curious to know who wins!

Spring Fling Blog Hop, also entitled Someone give Elsa some Chocolate

I don’t know about anyone else, but I am entirely sick of winter. Every time the weather seems to be looking up, we get another thirty degree day and I have to dig my boots back out of the closet. In a futile attempt to bring warmer weather, I insisted on wearing flip flops. One evening after dinner I put on my flip flops, trash bags in hand and opened the front door. Mother Nature had dropped another two inches of snow on the ground. I looked out, spied the white death, yelled a hearty “Nope!” and shut the door again. I had to fish my boots out of the closet. It was terrible. At least my family got a good laugh out of it.

In another effort to welcome in spring despite the mornings still being thirty degrees, Love Lust and Lipstick Stains is hosting a Spring Fling Blog Hop.


So far we have a lot of authors with their names on the list, myself included. There will be giveaways and prizes and all kinds of fun posts about spring and new releases and I think I might just post a bit of my current work in progress. Who knows what I’ll come up with. I might post something twice in the week, even!

If you’re an author and want to sign up or a reader who wants to know what authors are involved, click the web image above and it will take you to blog hop central. Look for a post from yours truly on the 21st!

In other personal news, we just got new windows installed and all the rain we’ve been having has stayed outside where it belongs and NOT all over my living room floor. It’s brilliant!

Crimson Volume 2 releases March 28th

On March 28th, 2014, The second volume of Crimson from Breathless Press releases with 8 new tales to make your blood rush. This anthology is edited by Jen Bradlee and features several excellent vampire shorts by Autumn Jones Lake, Brantwijn Serrah, Tysche Dwai, C.V. Madison, C.P. Foster, Lace Higgins and S.J. Thomas. (Grab your copy of Volume 1 here!)

I am very pleased to be able to share the cover before the release.


My short story features one of my longstanding characters. Winter has been in my head as long as any character I’ve ever had. She will someday feature in her own series from her beginning as a hunter. This short demonstrates a tryst between Winter and Dimitri. Once we get a little closer to release, I’m certain an excerpt will hit the blog.

The Layover: New Release by C.V. Madison 2/6/2014


The Layover, an erotic cowboy M/M romance by C.V. Madison from Jupiter Gardens Press releases today, February 6, 2014 is available now. [Get your copy here.]

Security expert and avowed city boy Reno Locke drops into a local bar to find a little loving to fill his off hours. Country boy Wilder Henderson swings in to blow off a little steam after winning a rodeo competition. Locke works up the nerve to hit on Wilder and takes him back to his room. He finds out this urban cowboy is just what he was looking for during his layover.

Hovering near his ear, Wilder nipped at Locke’s lobe. “Is this what you like? Hmm?” His voice was low and gritty. Locke shuddered in response. Something about a low voice purred in his ear like that just did terrible things to him.

“I like it when you talk to me like that.”

Nails raked lightly over his shoulders, drawing down the undersides of his arms and across his chest and belly. “Like this? All intimate-like with me tellin’ you about all the things I wanna do with you?”

Yes. Exactly like that. With that growl in his ear. All he could do was whimper and then moan in response. His skin tingled before the burn set in the pinked lines drawn on his skin. He wanted to prattle on about all the things he wanted. Most of the one night stands or summer loves he picked up were usually vanilla in their approach.

This, however. This.

It scratched an itch, one he wanted filled with everything they could squeeze into one night. He wanted to hurt a little tomorrow to prove it hadn’t all been a very nice dream. He wanted those work-rough hands all over his body. More specifically, he wanted one of them on his ass and the other in his hair. Pull his head back, fill him full and fuck him hard. And once they’d had either a little sleep or a little rest, do it all over again

All the foreplay was damned good frosting on his kinky happy cake.

My short story from the Buckle Down anthology is now a stand alone novella and available from Jupiter Gardens Press, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. If you enjoyed the novella, please leave me a review. It’s the best compliment an author can receive.

Facebook Party

Just in case anyone missed it, I’m hosting a facebook party for my new release The Layover available from Jupiter Gardens Press. It has released on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

We’re giving away an Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card and I’m giving away a copy of the book AND I’m going to give away a print of Locke and Wilder done by an amazing friend of mine.

Come join the party!!